Postcard Packs and Image Sets
A variety of postcard packs and image sets were produced for Expo ‘74. They generally contained a selection of the same official images that were available as individual postcards, although there are a few images that seem to only appear within these packs. These were manufactured in large quantities and are easy to find on eBay or at Spokane vintage stores that sell Expo ‘74 souvenirs. While I have given them labels like “Blue and Green Postcard Pack” to help keep things organized, these are not official titles.
Blue and Green Postcard Pack
The Blue and Green Postcard Pack was produced by Seville Enterprises of Miami, Florida. It contains mostly the usual official images of the fair. Notable images include two views of midway rides at night and one image of the exterior of the General Motors Pavilion by night.
“Save The Miniatures” Postcard Pack
This postcard pack exhorts buyers to “MAIL THE POST CARDS SAVE THE MINIATURES.” It was produced by Seville Enterprises of Miami, Florida. Interior text also credits Mike Robert Color Productions of Berkeley, CA. The “20 FULL COLOR VIEWS” are all from the usual official images. This postcard pack was the first Expo souvenir I ever owned, because the Looff Carousel gift shop still sold them as of approximately 2004.
Mini Postcard Pack
The Mini Postcard Pack reproduces the usual images and usual accompanying text in a smaller format. It was produced by Seville Enterprises and Mike Robert Color Productions.
Small Photo Booklet
The small photo booklet features the NW Orient Junk by night as its cover. It reproduces the usual images and usual accompanying text in a smaller format. It was produced by Seville Enterprises and Mike Robert Color Productions.
Snapout Prints
The snapout print set is similar to the small photo booklet, but attached at the top and with pre-perforated lines so that the owner can remove images easily. It uses a selection of the usual images and usual accompanying text. It was produced by Seville Enterprises and Mike Robert Color Productions. Unlike the other items here, it has a globe logo on the front identifying it as “A PRODUCT OF EXPOSITIONS INTERNATIONAL.”