The Book of Mormon Pavilion

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) had an impressive presence at Expo 74. Visitors were sure to notice the building that housed the LDS pavilion, which was designed to resemble a gigantic Book of Mormon. By the entrance, a golden statue of the angel Moroni stood on a tall white pillar. Inside the book-shaped building, visitors first encountered a short film called "Ancient America Speaks." According to the brochure, this film showed "archaeological evidence of great civilizations that once flourished in the Americas - the same civilizations that are chronicled in the Book of Mormon."

Next, visitors were shown a "fascinating three-dimensional, audiovisual presentation that describes life in ancient America. Through newly-developed techniques, dioramas depict prophets of old as they tell of the fall and rise of great nations." (This video, titled “Ancient America Speaks,” can now be viewed on YouTube.)

From the Official Guidebook (p.101-102):

Inside the exhibit area, you'll see three separate dioramas with lifelike moving figures. One diorama depicts the prophet, Mormon, editing golden plates which contain the history and prophecy of a people who migrated from the Mediterranean to the shores of South America. The history spans more than a thousand years, from 600 B.C. to 421 A.D. Another diorama dramatizes the mortally wounded prophet Mormon in a command tent on the hill, Cumorah, turning the golden plates over to his son, Moroni. The final diorama portrays the prophet, Joseph Smith, receiving the golden plates from the hill Cumorah in New York State in 1827.

From the Official Guidebook (p.101-102):

In its theme, "Celebrating Tomorrow's Fresh New Environment," Expo '74 presents a festive look at ways we can all live, work and play in harmony with our world. Not to be overlooked is the spiritual world around us, as exemplified by the Book of Mormon Pavilion. Located between the Clock Tower and the Howard Street bridge, the Mormon Church exhibit is gilded and resembles an open book made of gold plates, held together by three golden rings.

The pavilion contains 3,600 square feet of exhibit space and houses two thirty-five seat theaters. The pavilion is constructed on piers, entirely over the waters of the Spokane River, and connected to land by a walkway.

The story of America includes all of the Americas, North and South. The film featured by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is entitled "America Speaks," and portrays the dramatic history of peoples who lived in ancient ruins found in South and Central America and Mexico.

Other exhibits on display include various arts and artifacts discovered in ancient ruins; and, on exhibit display is an unsinkable reed boat built by Peruvian Indians. This boat is similar to the reed boats believed to have been used by ancient men to cross the oceans and populate the Western Hemisphere.


Good News for Expo ‘74